Developer Question: bx_srv module call

Hello 👋

So, in my module I have a test service.

serviceThisIsATest and my module is wz_custom.

So, I can call this easily with:


My question is the method name. It appears I can do any combination of the 'ThisIsATest' and it finds it. Example, 'this_isatest' also works. So, what is the correct usage. Or does it not matter?

Thank you!

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Replies (2)
    • Hello @Wise !

      Like our team has said in the code's comments:

      * @param $sMethod service method name in format 'method_name', corresponding class metod is serviceMethodName

      in your case the "this_is_a_test" variant is right.

      • Thank you @LeonidS 😊

        Maybe I should read the comments too 😁. Just trying to insure my code convention is the same as UNA core, or expectations. 😉

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