Enable account activation letter

Hi, what does it mean text "Enable account activation letter" in the settings->Account? thanks

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Replies (8)
    • This setting is related to another setting where account isn't activated after account creation and Operator, Admin or Moderator have to approve account to make it active.

      There is the same setting for profile, as the result two activation emails are sent, so there is setting to disable one of these emails.

        • Is there anyway to deactivate the email verification for account activation..when i tried to make an account i didn't recieve any email notification but it says I need to verify my account..

          • It can be disabled in the Studio->Settings->Accoutn area. You may change the value of the option "Account is confirmed when". But it's better to find the reason why then email isn't sent from your server. BTW - did you check SPam folder of your email box?

            • Not sure why LeonidS but this appears in Settings---Persons _bx_persons_option_enable_profile_activation_letter 

              I have already tried recompiling all languages but no luck. Everything still works though.

              • Strange that you see this message, but nothing strange that it works - because this is just a lang key. Can it be found in your Polyglot app? 

                • @LeonidS No it's not in the Polyglot app when I search for that key. Its ever since the update to RC9 and updates to the apps that I've noticed it's appearance.

                  • Provide me please operator access via Messenger please.

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