float data not null .. ok, but ... ?


^ the ad throwing the database error

make the script suppress errors on not null floats (why is the thing not calculating a non zero amount of cents on an ad listing anyway)   ?    


"Ads module: Changing database: There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
Error: Column 'price' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index

ALTER TABLE `bx_ads_entries` CHANGE `price` `price` float NOT NULL;"


and I dont know enough to fix it myself yet, but this is clearly not something I would be alone in, all I did was make an ad for 40 $, and change two ad category names :)  it should be working !  why is it show 40 dollars 00 cents on the ad but then i get this error? well the db isnt keeping track of cents, it seems.  i dont know why.  but ..... nothing else makes any sorry drumroll please.............CENTS!  LOL..

see screenshots -  it should not throw that error, tracking cents on an ad listing...


^ the error from cron, in mah email. 


^ mysql entry in "easy view" (php-myadmin), of the database entry for the ad causing error.  Note this is my initial test ad, no other ads have been placed, as one error is enough to begin eliminating.

okay,, so in the last screenshot, you can see the databse entry there is 40 only, but in the page display it says $40.00, this along with the error I'm getting, and the following line out of the IBM db2 SQL manual :

Decimal floating-point to VARCHAR

lead me to believe that there is no database field defined in bx_ads_entries, for cents, and or where else it goes in mysql db for una.  .  (im out of steam for this problem right now).

but isnt the solution just to define a table in the database to hold the cents?  


....and finally to make matters more interesting ( LeonidS probably will hate this addition because it means a lot more thinking...

but look at this,

the price wasn't even listed at 40.00.....  now.. ,take a deep breath and  drink some coffee, LOL there are puzzles to solve :D

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