Get number following to display in person profile meta info
Does anyone know how I can get the number of people you're following to show up in the profile meta info, it's in the dashboard profile stats, but I can not find the code thats being generated so I can manipulate it to show in the block. Ive attached a pic so you can see what I'm trying to do. I am hopefully going to add this so it displays over the cover image on profile page too.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Alex T⚜️
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The following variables are available in profile stats block (it's in template/scripts/BxBaseServiceProfiles.php file):
$aVars = array( 'profile_id' => $oProfile->id(), 'profile_url' => $oProfile->getUrl(), 'profile_edit_url' => $oProfile->getEditUrl(), 'profile_title' => $oProfile->getDisplayName(), 'profile_title_attr' => bx_html_attribute($oProfile->getDisplayName()), 'profile_ava_url' => $oProfile->getAvatar(), 'profile_unit' => $oProfile->getUnit(0, array('template' => array( 'name' => 'unit_wo_info', 'size' => 'ava' ))), 'profile_acl_title' => _t($aAclInfo['name']), 'profile_acl_icon' => $aAclInfo['icon'], 'menu' => BxDolMenu::getObjectInstance('sys_profile_stats')->getCode(), );
However there is menu which consist of menu items which can be configured via Studio menu builder.
Alex T⚜️