Group Album - Posting to Social Media

When you share the picture on Twitter (probably Facebook also) - the tweet contains the proper caption and link - but the image is first image posted for all images.  Please advise.

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Replies (3)
      • I noticed this too....the text seems to pass over to the post and links all work on social media...(at least for twitter)

        Here is a work around for this I found...I am still playing...

        You can get a universal image to associate on twitter with your site... using the twitter card code supplied and injecting the code into header area through the  studio in designer.  Just add the meta data you desire for look and feel, and link that meta data for to an image on your server.

        Here is what twitter provides:


        see attached



        I only included the last one in my header, and linked to an image I made that represents the logo of the site.  Worked fine!

        I am assuming there is some facebook meta data that essentially will do the same thing but have not looked yet...I just tested it last night...but it works well.

        ALSO, as a note.  Twitter caches on server side an image the first time any link is ever entered to their platform.  This can be confusing when changing the image and not seeing it refresh on twitter.  They provide a "Twitter Card Validation" tool that allows you to preview how your shared posts will appear, as well as resets the twitter cache image for the link. ;) see screen shot 

        Hope this helps.  Will update more on this if I come across anything else.

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