How can i delete the info in the red square.
Since you can switsh & make a new profile on the left i don't see why i want it there.
How can i delete this? ( not delete but unhide ) Less info is better.
If people want to have more profiles they can do on the left side.
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Hello @Busimatch !
If you don't need that info in the member toolbar then you may hide the elements with the following CSS classes:
- · Busimatch
In reply to LeonidS
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I thought it was something in the navigation i have to uncheck like in the other places.
you can hide at navigation app @ System->Account Popup and deactivate "Profile Switcher" and "Create Profile".
Also, as @LeonidS implied, you may simply add "display: none" for the style attribute in artificier template:
.bx-menu-account-popup-profile-create, .bx-menu-account-popup-profile-switcher {
Thank you ;-)