How notifications are sent to the apps

Hi UNA team,

I just wonder when a user who installed UNA app to her/his phone and has more then one profiles, how are the push notifications sent?

For all profiles that the account has or for a certain profile?

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Replies (2)
    • I'll take a stab at this. I would think notifications are sent based on a profile ID. Each profile would have it's own set of notifications. 

      So if you had multiple profiles and each profile followed/friended different members then,  I couldn't see how the 'parent' profile would get all of the notification alerts.  With that said,  the parent would get the email notifications for all the profiles under the parent if the same email address is used. 

      • Yes Chris you are right I also see that in UNA system there are no parent profiles and notifications are sent to profiles not to the account.

        • As UNA site has one profile per member I can not see the multiprofile scenario through UNA's original app, may be UNA team could explain it.
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