How to add, or attach Albums, posts, photos, ...... to the Group, SPace, .....

Hi friends,

how it is possible to add, or attach Albums, Posts, Photos, Videos, Files, Pools .....     to the Group,  Space, Event, .....
I was unable to find the right way how to do it ..



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Replies (4)
    • Hello JPa !

      It's possible to do with the Visibility field, see details here

      • Hi Leonid,

        Hi Leonid, Visibility is one thing, but connectivity is another ... 

        What it somebidy wants to have the album visible to everyone, but wants it to be attached to some space ... 

        For example ... 

        • I have a space Europe 
          • - I have another subspace Slovakia in it and I want to have a few albums attached to this subspace
          • If someone comes to Slovakia subspace, can see all the Albums that are attached to it ...
          • bu8t they are visible to everybody .....

        And this is just an example ... 

        If it needs to be solved, then visibility for: someone or something ...

        and then connection/atachment to something ... this is basically a some form of multi level categorization ... 

        May be it would be good to have multi level categorisation instead (to be able to create tree view) , for Albums , Photos, Videos, and may be some ither things

        Bye JURAJ

        • Hello JPa !

          When it's better to post the content as "public" but use the hashtags there. Like we have here .

          • HI, I know functionality of ...
            But We want oto have Multi level or cascaded or tree categorisation ..
            With you cannot to do it :-(



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