Has anyone considered IFTTT integration?

This would be very useful for me and others since we're on so many platforms.

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Replies (2)
    • Would you suggest a few use cases that may be beneficial for a community?

      • Absolutely.

        I currently use IFTTT to send my tweets to Facebook. What I'm discussing on Twitter was also going to be discussed on facebook so why manually post to both platforms?

        Additionally IFTTT can share status updates to your social media timelines when you upload a video to your YouTube channel. The video link will automatically post to your social site of choice.

        Alerts, reminders or status updates can be sent to various platforms that have timelines.

        This would be incredibly helpful for me so I'm not on multiple platforms posting the same thing over and over. But rather posting from my UNA website that goes to all media accounts. And it could provide a link to your UNA website for marketing. "Post from UNA site" Or turn off links so it doesn't look like constant promotion to a different platform.

        - Twitter post to UNA timeline.

        - UNA Timeline to Twitter timeline.

        - UNA to Facebook and Twitter.

        - Post UNA photo to Twitter or Facebook. Or both.

        - Post Twitter photo to UNA.

        Can be used both ways. UNA to other social media. Or social media to UNA.

        Or email me when "person" writes an article on UNA powered website.

        IFTTT has quite a few different uses.

        I don't know if this one is still available but you used to be able to have it notify you when weather changes in your city. "Post to website about weather in certain city". Could be useful for local communities. Especially during events.

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