Is RocketChat no longer Free ?

I upgraded my RC recently to v6.5.0, now I am getting a message that I can only have up to 20 users. I am maintaining my RC site myself on my own dedicated server nor am I using their support. Not sure what is going on. And what about RocketChat+ that comes with UNA - do we need to pay for that too ? please check their site to see what I Am talking about:

Can someone shed some light please.. Thx.

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Replies (3)
    • Ok. Here is what happened, this might be useful to some of you. When I upgraded RC to v6.5.0, it automatically added a premium key to my existing site with 30 days trial which allows only 20 users. I freacked out After I saw that.. But, after I removed the key from the settings, then I got back to the Community version.. 😎 I guess it is one of their marketing strategy to get people off the Community free version.. Cheers.

      • Hi Guys,

        I never really thought of RocetChat being independent or free until this post. Thank you.

        But the way I see it, if you are using UNA and want to integrate it with RC.

        The RC Module is requited. True or False ?

        • I think you might check the free version, Up to 25 users for free self-hosted sites.

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