Chris Andre Buys

  •  ·  Premium
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Hi everyone,

The following link describe how to integrate HTML5 Chat with Boonex. The thing is, this was with Dolphin and not UNA.

I know this is a lot to ask but, can somebody please have a look at it for me and perhaps help me solve this. I really like the htl5 chat service and its free. I cannot effort any paid features at the moment.

Kind Regards


  • 988

What is happening on UNACMS website. Everyone seems quiet.

  • 126

Is Andre Yasko on leave. When will he be back?

Thanks Guys for your replay in advance

  • 134
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I have just added a video and I got this message "Scheduled for publishing as soon as video conversion is complete."

Please clear the air for me. I know it busy with conversion, but why is it not happening while uploading the video?

Thank you in advance.

  • 175
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Hi Guys;

I recently learned from @Olu Ade, and it made me very excited to know that it is not only RSS Feeds that can help source updated information from other websites to mine.

Since I host a Local Community platform and need to convert visitors to signed-up members by means of relevant content, content owned by other source like articles, information etc. can I truly make use of this feature called bots.

The question is how? Well, surely I can ask Olu, but I am also aware of his current challenge that he face with API's and consume much of his time. I pray that UNA will quickly help him sort this out.

Nevertheless, I hope to find the answer within our community.

Do we have some documentation as to how we can implement bots to source information from other website to pages, post etc. on my website?

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards


  • 194
Added a discussion

Hi everyone;

Please help out here to make sense from the oembed website to incorporate the functionality into my site.

As much as I know and believe me, this one makes me stumble a bit.

Any videos on it or similar request to follow from.

Thanks in advance

Regards Chris

  • 301
Added a discussion

Hello everyone,

How can I change or configure the current sign-up or Login to use either email address or mobile number. Same as done on Facebook.

I've already configured TWILO.

Thanks in advance

Regards Chris

  • 327
Added a discussion

Hi everyone...

How can I instantly message all members and if possible maybe conditionally like for instance active, online or New.


Possibly when creating a new conversation, use a wildcard character in the recipient field, for example * that represents all.

Please bear in mind that I am talking about the free version. There is however a broadcasting module, but in the paid features.

Thank you in advance for any reply.



  • 253
Added a discussion

Hi Guys,

Quick question:

What is the difference between following and joining a space or any other entity?

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards


  • 306
Chris Andre Buys Discussions
HTML5 Chat integration
Scheduled for publishing as soon as video conversion is complete.
How to use bots to source information from other websites to mine and to a particular page, post, form or any content module.
How to obtain an OEMBED API as well as providers
Sign Up or Login using Mobile Number
Default Broadcasting using Conversations Feature