Is this just a web view app?

So, yeah, Is the mobile app just a web view app?

When selecting a file, like a picture, it behave like a web browser.

Doesn't seems native to me.

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Replies (3)
    • Mobile app is based on ReactNative. Native components are the launch bar, back button, search, notifications and file upload. Everything else is loading in react-webview. It is possible to include more native components of needed, but all pages and menus on UNA are configurable, so websites can be vastly different and it would be impossible to work out a universal native app. 

      • As Una is a framework and we built very different sites on it. The base should be the web sites we built.

        If applications and web sites has different code bases it will create a lot of problems for thousands of different web sites. There is not only a Facebook or Twitter but thousands of different setups in Una ecosystem.

         so it's best to have webview + notifications capability as it's now.

        A further "native" solution will be a specific application to a certain web site.

        • That makes sense. Thanks!

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