Is UNA actually open-source? Seems devious.

I have a paid instance of UNA, and I wanted to set up a second free instance.

Since it's open-source, I didn't think that'd be an issue. But when I downloaded the GitHub repo zip and uploaded the files to my server, it wouldn't run the install because it was looking for an autoload.php file in the plugins directory, which is empty. Also, when I check, the central place where the file appears is in the upgrade directory, kinda suspicious.

So I figured it might be intentionally misconfigured in the GitHub repo to force users to create an account so that users could push updates and increase user retention. So I created a second free account, and a project, but when I go to "Download UNA Core" and click download on ANY version, it says access denied;






So now I'm confused because supposedly UNA is open-source, but either I'm missing something, or that's a deceptive statement. Does anyone have any advice?

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