Jitsi Server Running on Debian VM

I got my host to install jitsi server on my dedicated server.  It was placed in a Debian VM.  I can connect to the server but after 20 seconds it disconnects me and then reconnects me.  The vm has 3 cores and 10 gigs of ram; which is plenty according to the jitsi docs.

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Replies (14)
    • Host has it corrected; just needed to make some changes to the server block.

      • Hi Will Monte have you set Jitsi server in your own server? If yes, please, could you share documentation to do it... Thanks in advance!

        • Installation is easy, just follow this guide: https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/devops-guide/devops-guide-quickstart . There is also a Docker container.  Current process is setting up a reverse proxy. Main OS is CentOS and Jitsi requires Debian/Ubuntu so running in a VM so I also have to contend with NAT etc to map ports to the VM.  Fun stuff.

          • So does jitsi tie itself to members of your site or does it have to be joined seperate from site?

            • So does jitsi tie itself to members of your site or does it have to be joined seperate from site?

              Haven't gotten that far.  The idea is have it on my own server for security and privacy.

              • If you want to ease the woes then just order a small vps and install jitsi on it.  I am trying to save some money so have it in a virtual machine.  Can connect but no audio, no video from the users.  If anyone has set up jitsi in a vm and using nginx as reverse proxy to jitsi server, please help out.  Maybe I need to change how the network from the host to the client is set up.  Documentation from jitsi isn't the greatest.

                • jitsi is an open server.  it makes connections to you when you want to chat with video, and for each person in the room.  it then delivers everyones video to each user, eliminating bandwidth issues caused by other video network topologies.
                  its neat. its called SFU architecture - and when you start getting serious about optimizing it, you end up reading things like this:

                  David Medina

                  • no, jitsi does not require a membership, just a credential.  you need to have the app, it tokenizes your data stream from your phone or laptop to the jitsi SFU server, and then everyone who has the same "key" which is just the  they can join.  
                    you can password a room. make a room "permanent" by always joining it, but the odds of some dippy do taking your room name is pretty low... plus, are you really that weak inside ? pick a new name.
                    you can also do cool stuff like have some callers dial in on video, some dial in on their phones, and like the voice users will show the phone number, so people on the call can know its them, oh yeah thats bobs number or thats theresa, etc-  its got a few other features, but you should just freaking read about it man :)

                    they have a website.   jitsi. something :D

                    • Ok Will Monte, I am reading it ...

                      and where do I set the connection parameters in UNA ?

                      • I haven't gotten it working, no audio or video yet.  I got other projects.  My issue is that jitsi is sitting in a vm; so you have to work out the connections between the guest and the host so that the guest vm can communicate with the outside world.  As I said, if you just put it on a vps, you won't have that issue.

                        • I can either connect but not have any audio or video or I cannot connect at all with bad gateway or gateway timed out errors.

                          Is there anyone that has installed jitsi in a virtual machine with Nginx as a proxy to the vm?

                          • I switched the vm networking from NAT to bridge but still no go; no audio, no video.

                            • Hello,

                              Looks like you have problems with ports. You may check this path with log files on the server /var/log/jitsi and jvb.log. May be your browser can not connect to videobridge app. 

                              • This is the server block I am using.

                                server {
                                listen 443;
                                server_name domain.com;
                                # You can increase the limit if your need to.
                                client_max_body_size 800M;
                                ssl on;
                                ssl_certificate /home/domain/ssl.combined;
                                ssl_certificate_key /home/domaint/ssl.key;
                                ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # don’t use SSLv3 ref: POODLE
                                location / {
                                ssi on;
                                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
                                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                                # BOSH
                                location /http-bind {
                                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
                                proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
                                # xmpp websockets
                                location /xmpp-websocket {
                                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                                proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
                                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                                tcp_nodelay on;

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