Make a menu item visible to the organiser only


I would like to make a menu item from the event's profil page visible to the organiser only. For example, I would like to hide 'Guests' to everyone but the event creator. 

I do not know/understand if it is possible using the studio. I can hide a menu item based on 'levels' but I do not see how I could make it visible to the organiser only.

Thank you.

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Replies (4)
    • Menus only work with Levels

      The only way as far as I know is to create a Level named "Organizations" or similar and set visibility to that level. It's just a case of changing the people's account to that level.


      Set the permission within the level for that action. They would see the menu item but not have permission to do it, depending on what you are trying to stop. 


      I use UNA for staff portals for our business, and I have added a Menu block to the page/s I want the staff menu to show on and restricted the menu I have created for that block, which yet again only shows to the levels selected. 

      • Hello Mersey,

        Thank you for your feedback.

        When an organization visits and other organization's profile, they cannot see the "following" menu item, but when the organization visits its own profile they can see the "following" menu item. This what I want to achieve with the events and make the "guests" menu item visible only for the organizer. I will use your method in order to hide the blocks on the page, but I would like to simplify the menu as well (where the page and the menu item are only accessible to the organizer).

        • Hi, 

          I would put it in the Suggestions category on here.

          • It's possible to set custom visibility for "Guests" menu item for the Event to allow only event admin to view it this by executing the following SQL statement (for example in phpMyAdmin for your UNA database):

            UPDATE `sys_menu_items` SET `visibility_custom` = 'a:3:{s:6:"module";s:9:"bx_events";s:6:"method";s:8:"is_admin";s:6:"params";a:1:{i:0;s:12:"{profile_id}";}}' WHERE `name` = 'event-fans' AND `set_name` = 'bx_events_view_submenu' LIMIT 1;

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