Manually Installing an addon

I bought an addon through the store however the ver that was up there was for 12. I went to the addon archives and manually downloaded it. I just could use guidance on how to get the download setup and installed on my server via studio. I did not see an option to upload from the local computer or a way to look for the file on the server. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Replies (2)
    • For manual upload, you could use an ftp program like FileZilla 

      Upload the unzipped folder-app to modules > boonex (if it is a boonex app), or upload to just modules if it is from some other vendor.

      Next, it should show up in Studio under apps > downloaded, ready to be installed.

      That is how normally apps are installed manually, but some vendors might have special instructions for their apps, you could check with the app owner.


      • Thank you for your help I was successful in getting it installed!

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