marka location error in console across several pages

After installation, I get a 404 error on the web page (viewed in web inspector > console > errors) re. https://{my domain}/ Of course it is "not found" because the map file is in plugins_public/marka directory. This is part of gzip's output of JavaScript files and may be related to the sourceMappingURL that appears at the base of the mark.min.js file. It shows the source map url relative to the JavaScript file it maps. In case the fix was that simple—a tug of war between gzip_loader.php and the js file's source map—I changed the sourceMappingURL in the marka.min.js source file to plugins_public/marka/marka.min.js. It still errors, and the sourceMappingURL appears in the gzip_loaded source the same as it originally appeared, despite the fact I changed it in the marka.min.js file. That made me wonder if it was cached at the beginning. If so, I would not know which cache to delete. Any thoughts on this?

Here is the error in the console (on home page, people, etc.). The white rectangles shield the domain only.


The important lines of gzip_loader.php source on these pages:


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Replies (7)
    • Well...overnight, the caches must have emptied—whether from the browser or from the system, I don't know. There is no longer the error, and the rendered code of the public pages (viewed through the web inspector) now shows the sourceMappingURL=plugins_public/marka/ change I made to the mark.min.js file. (Yes, I made a typo in my original post above, leaving off the suffix, .map, when describing my fix.) I have no idea if the change will break some other pages, but for now it seems to have solved the 404 errors described above for the file.

      • Hello TUna88 !

        I confused about double slashes in the mark URL from the given screenshot. May you check what do you have in the line like the next one at your inc/

        define('BX_DOL_URL_ROOT', '????'); ///< site url

        • Good catch! Thank you! It does have a forward slash following the domain for BX_DOL_URL_ROOT, in other words: https://{my.domain}/ Also the BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT has a forward slash following /{path}/public_html/ Those ending slashes should probably not be there.

          • No, those 2 variables should end with 1 slash symbol like:

            define('BX_DOL_URL_ROOT', ''); ///< site url

            define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT', '/var/www/vhosts/'); ///< site path

            • Hmm. Okay. They do have a single slash following the path. 

              • After studying several pages, it looks like the only URLs displaying the two slashes preceding the first directory following the https://{my.domain} are the css and js files rendered by gzip_loader.php. The other urls and files have the normal, path separator. I added some error logging in BxDolGzip to see at least the filepath sent to the load function. I will check the error file tomorrow after a cache refresh and see if that reveals anything interesting. Thanks.

                • The paths looked fine; so, that exercise really didn't point to anything.

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