
Memcache in UNA does not work.


Everything is set correctly.

Memcache results:


4gb of ram being wasted. I have thought this entire time it was working. There is no other documentation, so I figured it worked out of box? How to make UNA use memcache?

I've attached the memcache.php, it is a great tool to watch memcache, and to make sure PHP is configured with memcache properly. The default user is 'memcache' and password is 'password' on lines 22-23 (this has nothing to do with memcache, this is admin user/pass for THIS tool).

It doesn't appear UNA uses memcache at all? What is the correct way for UNA to use memcache?

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Replies (2)
    • UNA:
      DB cache = On (Memcache based cache engine) - OK
      Pages cache = On (Memcache based cache engine) - OK
      Page blocks cache = On (Memcache based cache engine) - OK
      Templates Cache = Off (Memcache based cache engine) - FAIL (please enable this cache in Studio > Settings > Cache)
      CSS files cache = OnOK
      JS files cache = OnOK
      Compression for CSS/JS cache = OnOK

      Under dashboard. I have template cache off for a reason, however, all are showing as OK yet nothing is being written/read from memcache.

      I don't know where else to test. UNA just isn't actually using memcache. And I'm getting files still in cache directory.

      • Ok. I figured this out. I will explain in case others run into this issue.

        UNA uses php extension 'memcache' - there are two versions:

        memcache and memcached. The second is more actively maintained and has newer features. Anyhow. I had memcached installed.

        apt remove php8.2-memcached
        apt install php8.2-memcache

        Solved the issue, memcache now working.

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