Messenger , JOT Messenger when video enabled.

When using Messenger and for internal video conferences, there may be time when one needs to invite Non SIte Members to join the conference / or simply due to problems Macbook users such as myself have recently faced where the video capability does not work from within UNA Platform (a problem we are working hard to resolve) but works when going directly to

The UNA Platform creates a meeting room in the format UNAe4d482566048ef7f22160c0c6fa3e4b4. 

What would be immensely helpful would be to have the option to display this meeting room ID (in the form shown above) appear in the Video Conference Started Notification Bar or Just before the Join Button in the messenger chat History.

That way the user has the option to share the Meeting room Id, or join directly via

 Just a thought and request.


Bernie O'Neill
Media R3ALM 

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Replies (1)
    • PS - This feature could be added as a menu item below the Copy Link option. Maybe in the form of Copy Meeting Room ID.

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