Messenger update

@LeonidS Since the messenger update - when I click on a profile icon in Messenger or Shout Box it opens the profile page in a new window.

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Replies (6)
    • Hello!

      Yes, it is default behaviour in all Messenger versions. It should redirect to the person's profile page when you click on avatar.

      • That didn't happen before the latest messenger update. Before the update clicking on a profile icon would open profiles in the same window. Members are already complaining about this. Is there a way to reverse this so it will always open pages in the same window, not leaving the messenger page window open and also opening a second window for the profile page?

        • it is doing the same thing in my community. It used to open up in the same window but now it is launching a new page to the profile.

          • Hello!

            Sorry, I mean profile url still the same, but now it has blank target. It means it opens profile page in new window. I've received many requests to make it to work so. Well if it is problem for you I can add it as option to open profile in new window or in the same. 

            • Can you add this option to UNA 13? I would like for it to open in the same window not to open in a new window. If you do add this to 13, where will we find it? In messenger app settings?

              • Hello John,

                Ok, I've just added new task and will add this ability to the future version. Yes, it will be the option in Messenger settings.

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