New user experience

Let's talk about the experience of actually purchasing and setting up hosting and building your new Una community.

1. Super complicated to get any sort of support.

2. Unclear from the get-go that no adult sites are supported (or whatever blah blah answer they give- you can have an adult site, no one is going to help you with it, though).

3. Recommended to first buy a cloud 4 package. But can't help with Dolphin transfer because it has to be installed on the same server. Can't upload from Zarconia to Cloud 4 because they can't see adult sites (or whatever - it's been a long email chain- I can't remember, now). 

4. Recommended to get Linode- did that- and without extensive training in back end/full stack - I have no idea how to set it up.

5. Yes, Geek Girl can set up hosting, install, etc for me, and I've watched her be kind of unpleasant for years now, and like- I get it now- she probably comes across as unpleasant from running out of patience with this kinda thing. I've spent a LOT of money round these parts, and Nathan was a treasure for a while with Zarconia, but ever since the whole move thing- my site is basically dead, and I'm just blowing more money to not get set up right.

I'm a site admin, and can work my way around Dolphin and managing some site design stuff/running my own community. Beyond that, I'm happy to pay for support- but like- do I not get any when I'm blowing money on licenses for this and hosting for that? FFS I'm not an idiot, but it can't be this freaking complicated to be able to use your product/service/whatever it is we're paying for monthly. I miss Ning.

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Replies (1)
    • Thank you for sharing your experience. This case is quite unusual as we first didn’t realise that the site is adult-focused and then tried to come up with various options to provide help. 

      As for adult sites in general - this is partly a question of exposure but it also has to do with expertise. Adult sites often require different payment providers, service integrations and hosting arrangements. Furthermore, there may be a scope for illegal content which we can’t host on UNA Cloud, and identifying whether specific content fall into legal or illegal categories in different jurisdictions is beyond our expertise. We do not have “problems” and do not condemn adult sites at all — it’s just simply the category of sites we don’t work with and don’t understand well enough to support professionally. 

      GeekGirl or anybody with the experience to support such sites is welcome to do so. 

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