
Profile Completeness and Messenger Notification show up for email and push under Studio>Notifications, but not on public site under Settings > Notifications.   They do show up under On Site.


Profile CompletenessActivity related to you


MessengerActivity related to youNew message in talk where I'm participant
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Replies (5)
    • Hello!

      Settings should be in all parts of the notifications module, try please to disable and then enable notifications module.

      • As it turns out - if you don't have over 100 items selected then Settings > Notification doesn't show the next and previous buttons at the bottom of the page and some items aren't displayed.  

        • Hello Philip Poremba !

          Sorry, but I couldn't reproduce it from my side. Is it possible for you to restore all steps and shows us the fixed results about it?

          • I have it on 2 sites with fairly identical setups. Exact same behavior.   I have also noticed that if I make a change to a setting under email or push (Studio > Notification) on the 2nd page of either notification type, the setting is changed for both email and push.  This behavior does not occur on the first page of settings.  Disabling and enabling - clear cache - turning off cache - has no effect. Nothing specific about my server is going to be causing that.  On a 3rd site - where I have never installed pro and so only have 1 page of notification settings - everything works fine.  

            • Yes, your second request could be reproduced from our side too. The ticket was created

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