Notifications Spam - Sending old messages and do not match the action


I am new here, trying to help out a friend who had to let go of his site admin. 

His site is experiencing Notification problems, so I disabled Notifications and but it got stuck and did not release for a long time, after it disabled, I reenabled notifications. This did not fix the problem, so I disabled notifications and deleted the App from the dashboard.

I uploaded the new notifications from Github and activated it in Studio. 

In Polygot I created a new email template. 

Everything looked great, notifications look like they are working perfectly and then the SPAM started.  

Notifications is now sending out old notifications using the old mail templates. This should not be happening. People are also complaining of receiving SPAM due to the volume of mail they are receiving. This is happening even though I have set the only notification via email to be "You get a new friend" 

Please can someone let me know how to purge all the old notifications and get notifications back in sync on the website?

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Replies (6)
    • Please don't install modules from github, it maybe be problems with compatibility and upgrading. Install modules via Studio > Apps Market widget only.

      To clear emails notifications queue delete all records from `bx_notifications_queue` and `sys_queue_email` tables.

      • Thank you Alex I checked the table `bx_notifications_queue` no longer exists. I deleted the notifications app again. I will install from Studio as you guided.

        Please you can confirm, when install notifications again. Will this send all old notifications again?

        • We can confirm - no, the previous notifications will not be sent. 

          • Thank you for confirming.

            • I turned on notifications again after checking these tables were empty:  `bx_notifications_queue` and `sys_queue_email`

              Right away the notifications module spewed out SPAM, thousands of mails to users, even with all e-mail notifications off...

              How can I find what is causing the problem.

              • Hi LeonidS and Alex T⚜️ 

                Please can you help with notifications, I am watching UNA place multiple notifications into the the Database tables, so this must be a coding error. 

                How can I program a check for duplicates? 

                If message already in DB do not place a new message 

                `bx_notifications_queue` and `sys_queue_email`

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