OneSignal Force notification prompt?

I just added one signal, and it is working for a few, others are not being prompted. I had them clear all caches, same result.

I want to add a button to enable notifications. How would I do this in UNA? More so, what would be the correct JavaScript call?

Thank you

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Replies (5)
    • This worked for one person, now, no one else has received the prompt? That member is getting push notifications, but no one else can enable them.

      Do I need to paste that code into the injection part? Is anything else needed?

      • Go Studio --> Settings-->Push Notifications

        Did you fill the One Signal App ID and REST API Key Also, Apple Safari Web ID on the Web Push settings?

        • Yes, I got it working now. Still want to know the correct way to reshow the notification box?

          And the correct way to unsubscribe a member?

          • For privacy sake, I want to remove actual message text from messenger push notifications, just want it to say 'New Message' - where can I find where it creates the api call to OneSignal, especially for messenger?

            • Also, which table keeps track of push id?

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