POC - How to Make UNA scream on Steroid !
First of all, I was wondering if we have UNA Docker container available on hub.docker.com - and whether it will be available anytime soon ? I checked, but couldn't find it. But I did see boonex/trident container (see attached).
I wanted to experiment a new POC & see if I can get UNA working on AWS using ECS Fargate Cluster (Amazon Elastic Container Service ) combined with with the serverless RDS Aurora/MySQL which is 10 times powerful & faster than the native MySQL. Also one of the coolest feature AWS Aurora/MySQL has is Auto Scaling which is integrated within Aurora database. This means if the database grows the storage grows with it automatically. I found this feature extremely helpful for mission critical databases. No need for a DBA or system Admin to babysit these databases anymore. Aurora DB is a self-healing, self-recovery and self-managed database. I've already seen some DBAs making a career change because of these Cloud self-managed databases.
Basically, if I get this POC working, this will make UNA scream & turn it to UNA on steroid because UNA will leverage one of the greatest & latest technology on the Cloud by using ECS (Amazon Elastic Container Service) as well as AWS RDS/Aurora. FYI, Aurora uses MySQL engine, but MySQL was reengineered by AWS and they made it about 10 times faster than the native MySQL since it uses RDS Serverless technology.
Please note, I was able to get this POC done successfully for Wordpress for one of my clients since Wordpress does have its container available (see attached). I am assuming this can be done for UNA as well. This would be a great opportunity to showcase this solution to UNA clients who want to leverage Cloud technology to keep their critical site reliable (ensures workload performs as expected), resilient (quickly recovers from failure), performs well (you can scale up/out by adding resources as needed), and last but not least, they can also leverage HA (high availability) buy using AWS Auto Scaling and Multi-AZ (multi Availability Zones). Now, tell me why we should not call UNA "UNA on Steroid" ? 💪 😎
- · AJ Fariss
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If we don't have UNA container, is it possible to download it using {curl} & {tar} it.. similar to what I did with Wordpress:
curl -O https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz && tar -zxf latest.tar.gz
Alex T⚜️
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Official UNA repository is located here:
https://hub.docker.com/r/unaio/una -
Alex T⚜️
- · mlangdon
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Are there any plans to officially support container based deployments? Seems obvious this is the direction things are going (have gone). Deploying using manifest would be a no brainer for either local deployments (docker and k8) or via hosted services.
There is an official UNA repository with a highly intuitive docker image available for deployment as a container based solution. Are you referring to the limitation(s) within cron for multiple deployments?
is it being maintained? Seems last update was 7 months ago.
There is a bootleg Docker Compose yml available on my Github (https://github.com/rnwilson/una-camp) it would have taken a lot longer without the Official image and I left out some of the functionality the Official offers. It by far is a better solution that what I made available but you don't have to be an experienced DevOps professional to figure out if you'd like another version installed one would change the VAR_DEF_VERSION variable.