Quill Adding Unwanted Line Breaks to Posted Text <p><br></p>

When pasting or typing text Quill is adding unnecessary line breaks to text, thus not working as a WYSIWYG editor, additionally it brings in all the Text Formatting during paste, this over writes Dark mode formatting.

Example of pasted text (Please view in Dark mode):

Sculpting began on the faces of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills National Forest of South Dakota in 1927. It would take another 14 years until the faces of four of America’s most revered presidents were completed. According to the National Park Service, the first face to be chiseled was George Washington’s.

In 1909, in the first five-mile race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 12,000 spectators watched Austrian engineer Louis Schwitzer win with an average speed of 57.4 miles per hour. Since 1911, the Indianapolis 500 has been held every year, except for 1917-1918 and 1942-1945, when the U.S. was involved in the two World Wars.

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