Quill - Numbered lists lose order when there is a bullet list in between

Related to current issue https://github.com/unaio/una/issues/4524 , I would like to add an issue with numbered lists. When there's a bullet list in between two numbered blocks, Quill loses order and starts counting from 1, again. No chance to change that behavior in the editor in Studio -> Pages. Please see screenshot below. Tested on framework version 13.1.0-RC2 @Anton L @Roman L image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1654&dpx=1&t=1698913907

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Replies (2)
    • UPDATE: As we have ascertained during our interaction with dear @thomlin , this issue is directly associated with the Quill editor: we have encountered a similar challenge when assessing their demonstration versions.

      • Do you know, by chance, if the Quill devs are aware of that issue with ordered/unordered lists and if they will be able to solve it?

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