Reactions Not Working (resolved)

Anyone having trouble with with reactions? I am using Artificer template and UNA Version: 13.0.0-RC5. As far as I can tell I have everything enabled In navigation that should be. All that shows up is the like icon.

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Replies (18)
    • Long press...Press like and hold your finger a second or two on like button...reaction window will show up...

      Somewhere in settings (timline?)... there is a check mark to disable quick reaction (default-like)... if you uncheck it, on your timeline it will show "react" button but once you quick press it it will open reactions window....

      • Thank you for the feedback. I have tried pressing it, and nothing happens. I’ve also looked in Settings and haven’t found anything. I recently changed the ‘thumbs up’ icon to a ‘heart’. It still shows the ‘thumbs up’ icon and has the text ‘like’. I do not have any text in the reaction title.

        • image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1268&dpx=1&t=1683472075

          • It is under settings, see image. Let me see something else, brb

            • I found part of the problem where I can press the like button, and it brings up the reactions. I had to go into forms and find reactions. I checked the box. It says ‘use as set’.

              • Yes, I found that. It wasn't working because it wasn’t in forms as a set. Thank you for your help.

                • here is my post when i had issue with reactions and @Alex T⚜️ helped me figure it out:


                  Let me go back to my sets and copy/paste each reaction and compare with yours, brb

                  • This is what shows now after checking ‘use as set’ in reactions under forms.


                    • Go to: Studio > Developer > Forms > Data Items > System > Reactions

                      For LIKE add this;

                      a:7:{s:3:"use";s:5:"emoji";s:5:"emoji";s:4:"👍";s:4:"icon";s:12:"fa-thumbs-up";s:5:"image";s:904:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-gray";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";s:7:"default";a:2:{s:5:"title";s:37:"_sys_pre_lists_vote_reactions_default";s:4:"icon";s:8:"fa-smile";}}

                      For LOVE add this;

                      a:6:{s:3:"use";s:5:"emoji";s:5:"emoji";s:4:"💓";s:4:"icon";s:8:"fa-heart";s:5:"image";s:499:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-red1";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";}

                      For HAHA add this;

                      a:6:{s:3:"use";s:5:"emoji";s:5:"emoji";s:4:"😆";s:4:"icon";s:15:"fa-laugh-squint";s:5:"image";s:789:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-red3";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";}

                      For WOW add this;

                      a:6:{s:3:"use";s:5:"emoji";s:5:"emoji";s:4:"😲";s:4:"icon";s:11:"fa-surprise";s:5:"image";s:551:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-red3";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";}

                      For SAD add this;

                      a:6:{s:3:"use";s:5:"emoji";s:5:"emoji";s:4:"😥";s:4:"icon";s:11:"fa-sad-tear";s:5:"image";s:736:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-red3";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";}

                      For ANGRY add this;

                      a:6:{s:3:"use";s:5:"emoji";s:5:"emoji";s:4:"😠";s:4:"icon";s:8:"fa-angry";s:5:"image";s:858:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-red3";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";}

                      I hope this helps.

                      • Thank you very much 😊

                        • ok so it looks thats what you wanted?

                          • Yes sir! I really appreciate your help.

                            • Great! Lets keep this post for whoever needs to activate reaction option or those with mess up codes or like me after db/files backup.....

                              • Is this customizable? can you add something like this image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1271&dpx=2&t=1683475166?

                                • Most likely you copy one of those codes and change icon and description... not really sure... maybe test it on your test site?

                                  • Thanks. I was thinking, but I am afraid that I break things. May be if one of the UNA team can weigh in? @LeonidS

                                    • I have to go out now but i will try to add it to my test site later tonight or tomorrow...will let you know how it goes

                                      • hanks a million my friend!!

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