Remove toolbar for certain pages

Is there any way I can remove the toolbar on one or many pages? Page custom css rules maybe or hard write to the database? How would I best implement this?

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Replies (4)
    • Or how do I make a page us page_44.html as its template as I assume this is without the toolbar? Is there a simple way to change the site name also per page?

      • Hello!

        Best way to edit captions of pages is to do it via Studio->Pages area app. There you may change titles in many of them. Regarding your question - well, design UNA was made to use pages in one style. So if you don't want to have toolbar you may remove from template/_sub_header.html file the following code

        <div id="bx-menu-main-bar-wrapper">
        <div id="bx-menu-main-bar" class="bx-def-color-bg-sec">
        <div class="bx-def-centered bx-def-padding-sec-leftright bx-def-box-sizing">

        <bx_injection:injection_top_menu_before />

        <bx_menu:sys_site_submenu />

        <bx_injection:injection_top_menu_after />


        totally or some items from there. Or apply CSS rules to hide them.

        With the best regards, Leonid

        • Thank you Leonid for the info. I've managed before s you instructed to remove this code. What I'm trying to acchive is a sub-page not accesible from the main platform, only trough a link and it is without toolbar. This splash will include elemets as albums and featured things from the main platform.

          So I've tried trough the raw module to override br-toolbar:hidden but no go.

          • Hi again!

            Then simplest way for you to do it is to hide .bx-toolbar class with adding display:none; setting .

            With the best regards, Leonid

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