S3 Storage

Heads up for those looking to use AWS s3 remote storage listen up. Found this out after 3 weeks of try to set up remote storage. Since the procedure is quite simple, once you understand it, I could not understand why I could not get it to work. Well today I found this on AWS site. From Amazon s3: "Any new buckets created after June 24, 2020 will not support SigV2 signed requests, although existing buckets will continue to support SigV2 while we work with customers to move off this older request signing method." In other words if you create a bucket after June 24, 2020  una's remote storage will not work. Una's remote storage is using SigV2 and SigV4 is required. I am sure support will get on this right away.

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Replies (9)
    • I would also use { S3 One Zone IA } which is about 20% cheaper than Standard S3. The only difference is, with Standard S3 you are getting Multi-AZ for DR,  but S3 One Zone IA you are getting one single AZ. For an AZ to go down in such HA cloud environment is very slim. Not to mention the fact that you are running a Social Network site, Chat messages & Pictures are not as critical as Financial Data. In fact, you can even migrate old objects that are over a year old or so to AWS Glacier S3 type which saves you even more money.. Keep in mind, Glacier is not used for daily storage, it is mainly used to Archive history data. Retrieving objects from Glacier can take hours. Thus, this is not something you want to use for frequent daily access.

      • best aproach I found about big storage need is:
        wasabi + objectivefs
        if you need big storage >25 TB wasabi is with a price less then AWS Glacier, ultrafast.
        (even 1 TB is 5.99/month)
        Objectivefs mounts it as a local drive with all convinience of a local drive and creates a cache on your SSD, giving perfect results.

        • My current hosting is with TMD Hosting on cloud hosting plan. I doubt if my isp  will allow this type of software on a shared server.  I have an in-house server (AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor, 12 cores, 16GiB memory expandable to 128GB),  but my internet updoad speed from my internet provider is set at 100mbs no matter the upload speed account.


          • İf it's a VPS they will allow otherwise I also guess they will not allow so.

            Objectivefs is a licensed software and costs around 50 USD/month, if the storage amount is big enough then it may be feasible to pay for it.

            • Are you sure you're a doctor? Or a rocket scientist? 😁 You're super smart bro

              • Jeremy in between all these smart people here, just trying to learn  🙄😊

                • Hahaha I understand. I am trying to learn also.

                  • Hi Cem, I know UNA supports AWS S3, but does UNA support  wasabi + objectivefs  ?

                    • When you use objectivefs you can mount any S3 storage as a local drive.

                      İt will be used like a local directory and by just creating a symbolic link to the mounted s3 drive from Una storage directory will be enough.

                      Normally it's not possible, at least directly, to convert Una storage to S3 after you started the site, but in this way it is possible any time as it works like a normal directory.

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