Search field Needed for Integrating Desktop Search Functionality

I hope you're having a great day!

We've encountered a minor challenge regarding the integration of search functionality on our website and I would like to request your assistance in finding a solution.

We have already imported the existing search form from the "System" module and created a new one in the "Custom" module. Both forms have the same name, but we want to manage their visibility differently. (studio/module.php?name=bx_developer&page=navigation&nav_page=items)

The old form should remain visible only for mobile devices and our mobile app(already done with the same behavior), while the new form from the "Custom" module should be visible for tablets and desktops(already done). However, with the new form, we would like the search box to be open by default, without the need to click on the search icon, so that it is visible at all times.

Could you please help us implement this change and ensure that the new search form is visible on tablets and desktops without the need for a click to open it?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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Replies (4)
    • Hello @ORV !

      I guess, firstly you need to show this field in all cases, but then add the CSS trick which will hide it on the proper devices. So for example, if you need to hide the search keyword field on the mobile, the added CSS style will look like:

      @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
        -form-element-keyword {
        display: none;
      • I don't think you understood my question. I'm referring to the search field in the "artificier" template. which is visible as an icon in the site top bar:

        in developer app ca be accesed as an item in the menu with the system name Site Navigation Menu with the name Search _sys_menu_item_title_system_search with different option.

        An user To make a search, must first click on the icon and only then is it visible as a search field. This bothers me and I want it to be visible all the time as a search field and not as an icon. People frequently search for something on the site and this click actions adds an extra step to acces the search function, which seems absurd to me So I would like it to be visible when there is enough space on the menu bar. The file i found related to the search is /modules/boonex/artificer/data/template/system/search.html I probably have to make some changes in css, but I don't think it's the bx-form-element-keyword class you mention.

        <div id="bx-sliding-menu-search" class="bx-sliding-menu-main bx-sliding-menu-fullheight bx-def-z-index-nav bg-white bx-search-site" style="display:none; opacity:1;"><div class="mx-auto"><a class="bx-sliding-menu-close mt-2 mr-4 text-3xl" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="bx_menu_slide_inline('#bx-sliding-menu-search')"><bx_image_auto:times />a>
                <div class="p-4"><div class="bx-def-font-h2 bx-menu-search-popup-title"><bx_text:_Search />div>
        • Hello. You need to add custom CSS for 'bx-ti-search-box' and 'bx-ti-search-button' classes.

          • This modification can be done manually by editing the JavaScript code in the _header_js_custom.html file,

            // Check the screen width when the page loads
            if (window.innerWidth >= 768) {
                // Function to be called when the page is fully loaded on large screens
                function bx_site_search_page_load() {
                    // On large screens, display the search box implicitly and remove the button
                    $(document).ready(function() {
                        var $box = $('.bx-ti-search').find('.bx-ti-search-box');
            } else if (window.innerWidth < 768) {
                // On small screens, define the original function
                function bx_site_search_show(oButtom) {
                    var oButton = $(oButtom).parents('.bx-ti-search-button');
                    var oBox = oButton.parents('.bx-ti-search').find('.bx-ti-search-box');
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        $(document).on('click.bx-site-search-phone touchend.bx-site-search-phone', function (event) {
                            if ($('.sys-search-results-quick,.bx-ti-search-box,.bx-ti-search-button').length || $('.sys-search-results-quick,.bx-ti-search-box,.bx-ti-search-button').length)
                            else {
                    }, 10);

            But it would be preferable if this could be implemented in the admin panel for easier management and accessibility, have a dedicat Search Module:

            Controlling Search Functionality from the Admin Panel:

            Empowering administrators to control the display of the search icon or box directly from the admin panel offers significant advantages. This feature enables administrators to set conditions based on factors such as screen size and user type.

            Enhancing Customization Options:

            Providing customization options allows users to tailor the search box to their preferences. This flexibility ensures that each user can personalize their search experience according to their preferences.

            Adapting to Various Screen Sizes and User Types:

            The feature should accommodate different screen sizes (desktop, mobile, tablet, or app) and user types. This allows administrators to define unique conditions for each scenario, ensuring optimal display based on the device being used and the user type accessing the platform.

            Flexible Preference Configuration:

            Users should have the flexibility to mix and match preferences to meet their specific needs. This capability enables each user to configure the search functionality according to their individual requirements.

            Accessible and Flexible Customization:

            Making these customization options accessible to everyone through the admin panel enhances the accessibility and flexibility of the search feature. It empowers users to create a search experience that seamlessly aligns with their workflow and preferences.

            Control from Admin Panel:

            Administrators should have the ability to control the display of the search icon or box directly from the admin panel. This feature would allow them to set conditions based on factors such as screen size and user type.

            Customization Options:

            By enabling customization options, users can tailor the search box according to their preferences. Providing this flexibility ensures that everyone can personalize their search experience to their liking.

            Screen Size and User Type:

            The feature should accommodate various screen sizes (desktop, mobile, tablet, or app) and user types. This allows administrators to set different conditions for each scenario, ensuring optimal display based on the device being used and the type of user accessing the platform.

            Mix and Match Preferences:

            Users should be able to mix and match preferences according to their specific needs. This ensures that each user can configure the search functionality to best suit their individual requirements.

            Accessibility and Flexibility:

            Making these customization options accessible to everyone through the admin panel enhances the accessibility and flexibility of the search feature. It empowers users to create a search experience that aligns perfectly with their workflow and preferences.

            Additionally, implementing this functionality through the admin panel opens up possibilities for further enhancements. For example, administrators could control filters or integrate third-party modules if the search functionality become a dedicated module. This extends the capabilities of the search feature, allowing for more advanced customization and integration with other tools or services.

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