Selling Items and refunds

I can see the site has a shopping cart, though I have no idea how it works.

Assuming it gets going and people sell items on my site, will I have to 

deal with refunds? Or do they contact the credit card company/payment provider

for that?


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Replies (12)
    • UNA Market manages the sales process & Payments are managed through an integrated payments provider using Payments app, usually Stripe or PayPal. If your users sell goods via your site they would need their own Stripe or PayPal account. You can potentially take commissions on sales using Stripe Connect. 


        this has some answers to your questions, but fair warning its not simple haha, im still sorting it out myself or i'd have a better answer for you. :)

        i have only integrated square with my page before, but stripe with una is a new one for me.

        • OH.  
          if i want to sell credits on my site, and take a comission for the following workflow::

          teacher wants to teach a class using my site instead of, she needs to pay me a base fee for data storage / server, type stuff, each month, ideally in credits purchased through my site.

          -her/his students will see and "buy" the teachers class in marketplace posting, and or subscribe to it, if it is a recurring fee.

          --i want to set the exchange rate of the credits to 1.10 so each dollar bought i yield 10 cents comission.  

          the other scenarios for use are as follows:

          -user wants to sell something via marketplace, say, a bicycle.  and get the money in credits on the site, then "put withdrawl request" and they will convert their credits from selling the bicycle into real dollars and have that go into their bank.

          -user wants to take more active role in supporting website costs (levels upgrade), they purchase via "upgrade" button on the dashboard.  as configured previously in paid levels.   is this subscription handled by what lives in stripe under settings > payment ,  versus marketplace, which is what is (ONLY????) handled by the stripe_connect module?  

          i'm having difficulty sorting out the above scenarios/particulars,

          and have read everything i've seen on site, and searched for.

          meanwhile, i have been thinking out my intro for the "work with us" post, as I definitely have a solid interest.   

          thanks Mark P (please advise.)

          • Hi Omar Amer - there's a few questions here - I'll try to break it down.

            1. Selling lessons via Market - no problem as a one off using Credits, but Credits do not support recurring payments, you will need to use Chargebee or Stripe for that. If you want a commission you can do it with Credits for a one time payment, or Stripe Connect for a recurring payment. Stripe connect is limited for use in areas where your Teachers create access Stripe accounts.
            2. Buy and sell rates for Credits are easily adjusted in Studio
            3. Credits is integrated into Payments apps, so in enabled can be used as supplement or replacement for currency within your site. 4. Market Module is a place for listing and selling items, ideally services and digital goods, it does not have sections for delivery and stock tracking built in. (although this should soon be added)
            5. Paid Levels Apps manages up selling of user levels and is connected to Permissions App. Any Payment Provider that is configured and activated in Payments apps can be used for this also.

            • thank you Mark P .  :)   

              i have copied the text you answered to the documentation wiki i'm building.  :)

              appreciate these answers.

              that is good news about the delivery and stock options, and quite needed.  i am a zen cart user, and while i dont suggest trying to build that, (if you've ever used it you know what i mean), the functionality there is superb, and even a subset of those features in a small (only whats needed or would be needed) fashion i think would be highly advantageous for considerations in regards to the roadmap of the market module.

              right now i am stuck trying to figure out how to withdraw credits (as the site admin) from a transaction i tendered via my test user.  :)  i have gotten the withdrawl email, but no link to the correct place in my site to be "taken there" (please consider adding this to the withdrawl template && populate link in send email with withdrawl transaction id).....    so this is easier.  i still cannot figure out how to manually process the withdrawl.



              best regards,


              • hmmm thanks. so you are saying the markets module and stripe will handle all the refund requests?

                I'd like to figure out the connect thing eventually, and take a percent as well, but I think i will have to come back to it as its sounding super advanced.

                I just don't want to be besieged with customer service trying to figure out if people got their product or not

                • hello? Can someone answer in english?

                  • hmmm thanks. so you are saying the markets module and stripe will handle all the refund requests?

                    I'd like to figure out the connect thing eventually, and take a percent as well, but I think i will have to come back to it as its sounding super advanced.

                    I just don't want to be besieged with customer service trying to figure out if people got their product or not

                    If you are using UNA Market - then the selling and any follow up correspondence or refunds, can be done directly between the seller and the users, there is no need for you to intervene at all. Payments can be handled via Stripe or Paypal (probably best options for US) Stripe Connect (which is complicated to setup) is only necessary if you wish to glean a commission.

                    • connect is for sellers that have their own subscription plans for recurring billing (like say one reiki session a week bought in packs of 4 for one month of reiki sessions once per week) which are not in your own stripe account .  
                      so, sellers that aren't you, but want to sell on the site via stripe directly, can do so via marketplace.
                      you set the % inside the stripe connect module in una studio that dictates the % you take from their recurring billing, and also for a one time purchase.  

                      in this way you can get a percentage of all sales done through other peoples stripe accounts on the site.

                      which brings me to another question for mark, but a simpler one,

                      Mark - is the "accounts" section in the stripe connect module designed to show OTHER connected stripe accounts on the site, but not your own?

                      - because my personal stripe account is configured properly and working, (i've tested it in live mode), 

                      -but yet i do not see it under "accounts" as shown in the following jpg.


                      Mark P 

                      • If I'm using 'Credits' as the main payment option on the site, how can sellers and buyers refund payments made in Credits not Stripe or Paypal?

                        • Mark P there is no option to refund 'Credits' if they were used for purchase. Is there anyway around it to refund purchases done using 'Credits' as payments?

                          • Mark P there is no option to refund 'Credits' if they were used for purchase. Is there anyway around it to refund purchases done using 'Credits' as payments?

                            It would need to be added to version - we will discuss. 

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