Slide Menu Font

On Decorous, the slide menu font color is set to the default font color instead of the font color input under slide menu.
I cannot change the font that is being read into a post I created by embedding the rss feed url from another site. Is there any way to adjust that?

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Replies (2)
    • Hello Btasey !

      May you please provide us the screenshot with our rss feed?

      • image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1268&dpx=2&t=1555965554This is the screenshot of my points menu (slider menu), and my cards. I changed the card background to white so the linked text will show up.
        image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1269&dpx=2&t=1555966327This is the screenshot of my points menu (slider), and the Decorous template inputs. Note the bottom of the image shows that the Slider font is Blue. It's not blue on the screen because that text is the same as the default font in the Font category of the Decorous template.
        I noticed this issue because I'm trying to include rss feeds for my members. I would like to be able to insert rss feeds from various sites in each different Space. One space for the Senate, one for the House of Representatives, etc...and each with their own rss feeds showing what is happening in real time. But, I can only include rss feeds in Studio, the same feeds for all Space templates. So, I tried to embed the rss feed url, and that didn't work the same. It only leads me to the webpage I'm trying to pull articles from. That is not nearly as beneficial, as we are trying to compile as much relevant, up to date information as possible with as few human hours so we can spend our volunteer time elsewhere.

        image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1270&dpx=2&t=1555966695Here is the screenshot of what I'd like to have on each of my spaces, the rss feed. But, I'll need a way to inter the rss feed from the frontend.

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