TEMPORARYLY SOLVED Automatic profile creation problem through FB and Google Connect

In FB and Google connect app settings select to redirect to  join page after first signup did solve this issue.
Hello UNA team,
I have a important problem:
When a nonmember ANY person click to FB or Google connect in Sign up or Log in page. They are automatically signed in and their profiles are also created automatically. This automatic profile creation is happening although it is not selected in account settings.
This is not happening through email registrations. In email registration
after the account registration page they are redirected to profile creation page

they are getting the confirmation emails everything as expected.

What I need is (the same behavior of email sign ups):
No need for email confirmations as they are coming from google or FB
After account creation through FB or Google to direct them to profile creation page, (like email sign ups.)
If they click somewhere else without profile creation  to have the warning like email signups *Please create a profile to start using the site. *
I tried many combinations but I couldnt success, How can I make this setting?

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