The function "Add" unfortunately does not work.

image_transcoder.php? о = bx_froala_image & ч = 3473 & DPX = 1 & т = 1587926508К сожалению, выпуск 11 версии UNA не сделал это намного лучше. Проблемно много, и честно сказать, плохо. Мобильная версия и ноутбук look here . Пожалуйста, уважаемые разработчики, сделайте работу Una более стабильной.

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Replies (3)
    • I solved the problem myself. At first, I just turned off the Add block and turned it on again. After this action, the problem was resolved on the version of the site in the laptop. But the problem remained on the mobile version. I decided to enter my site not with Google Chrome, but with Yandex and everything began to work fine. It turns out that in my mobile Huawei based on android the Google Chrome browser does not work correctly.

      • I was testing your site on 2 mobile devices: one with Android 5.1 (Chrome 79) and second with Android 10 (Chrome 81). Everything was working fine. As these devices visited your site first time I guess the deal is in the cache of your mobile browser.

        • Yes, actually it is. After I cleared the browser cache in the smartphone, everything began to work. I am very grateful for your help.

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