UNA Connect


I need to programmatically create an account from another application. Do I need to install UNA Connect to access the API service?

Thanks In Advance.

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Replies (5)
    • Hello YourLife Crowd !

      And OAuth app too. It is a better variant to keep all info for new user secured.

      • Hey LeonidS,

        I appreciate the prompt response to my previous question. I've dug a little deeper into the platform so hopefully, I can formulate a better question. I have a Node.js app that needs to create a user account in our UNA system. It seems possible; however, I'm unable to get pass the following error "Grant type \"password\" not supported." We have purchased the OAuth2 Server plugin. How can I verify that it was installed/configured correctly? 

        Thanks In Advance.

        • Hello John McCullough !

          Seems you already know this manual https://github.com/unaio/una/wiki/Dev-API#grant-types .

          To check OAuth you may try the tools like https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ . Another way is to install 2 UNA sites on different subdomains (or domains, it's even better). In the first UNA you need to install and enable OAuth, in the second you need to use UNA connect tool and check how they cooperate.

          • I'm happy to report that I was able to obtain a bearer token. :)

            Now, I'm attempting to figure out how to make the actual create user call. I assume something with the following parameters:

            module is bx_accounts

            method is create_account

            params is johndoe

            params is testpwd, 

            params is John

            params is Doe

            params is johndoe at bigdoe dot com

            • Every connection app has the "handle" method which means that app has the URL like [UNA url]modules/?r=googlecon/handle . The connection apps process there the responses from the connected sources (Google, FB, Twitter) and in the successful keys call the method _createProfile, which was defined in parent modules/base/connect/classes/BxBaseModConnectModule.php 

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