Added a discussion

Hi! Here is my incredibly noobish questions!
I wanted to ask them!
So first I was wondering how to change the Titles of Permission levels?
Such as "Standard".
I have not found a way to do so myself as editing it doesn't change it. Is it possible to even change it?
Second:  How to change the Copyright section in the footer, it opens a modal with "©2018 Company". Where can I change this?
Third: in the Feeds for the Timeline the icons on the left for items in the feed are the default ones is there a way to edit those? As I have changed the photo icons to a paint brush(my website is more art focused). It still shows up as a camera.
Anyways that is all for now! Thank you very much whoever reads this and when I get a solution either via Comments or myself I shall update this! Thank you once more!

  • 1586
    • Try changing copyright at Studio - Polyglot. Also to change Standard level text. Search for the words you want to change. Copyright key is _copyright

      Try changing icons at Studio - Navigation 

      • Thank you VERY much! This helped for most of everything!
        Although the icons for items in the timeline block I still can't find where to change the icons for the items. I looked everywhere in the navigation, including all 3 levels of them and couldn't find anything. The icons I'm talking about are these ones:

        • Hello

          These icons are icons associated with modules (apps) which are integrated with Timeline.
          Unfortunately, these Icons cannot be changed via Studio.

          Best Regards

          • Ah thank you very much for this answer!
            Oh well! Also Keep up your great work!

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