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have anybody a good solution, to use a adblock detecting script? i want that a message is shown, when a user have enabled a adblocker, if the adblocker is disabled, no message should shown.

found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4869154/how-to-detect-adblock-on-my-website

i tried it with this: https://www.detectadblock.com/

but it helps not, you can register to view how many people have adblocker enabled, but the script can only show everytime a message or never, that is not a good solution

  • 752
    • Hello @Someone07 !

      There are several ways to detect the using of AdBlockers (taking from the Web):

      • Attempt to load the headers of an actual ad library (Google Adsense, Twitter, Facebook, etc…). Check if the request is blocked.
      • Insert a dummy ad or attempt to load a dummy ad library. Check if it is removed when the page loads.
      • Finally, use an adblocker detection library.

      Guess the first point is the most reliable - just take the response from the adv network.

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