Added a discussion

Does anyone here have a working UNA site that is stable, populated with members and earning a nice revenue?

I had a Dolphin site, now I am fully into UNA. But I would like to know and see if anyone is running a site that works 98% of the time and is making money.

My site is not a hobby or for fun. I want to get my site populated and earning money. And I want it earning enough money that I don't have to work doing anything else. But it would be nice to know a few success stories. I pay monthly to keep my site up and running. I pay for mods and I pay for the occasional custom tuning (Thank you @AQB Soft). I don't want it to be all for nothing. Yes, I know that every site is different, every niche is different, every area of marketing is different and every owner/admin is different, but it would be nice to know that someone has made it.

Someone? Anyone?

  • 1458
    • I think in the same way as u and no with all tgis errors at moment u cant bring people on the site.. they running away .. the third Party modules will bring money as Extras on website .. but the Programmer cant make them running solang the base is not stable...

      And if u want to have a professionel site u need a Design own Grafik by Designer and u need to pay for Promotion and seo optimation ... that all cost money too or u can do all by ur own 😉

      I get all time the same questions by peoples at moment ... can i stream, can i earn money, u have a app for it.

      • It is good to know I am not alone in this venture. Starting a site and getting it to some level of popularity and financial success is a difficult road to travel but I believe it can be done.

        I have shaped my site to reward members with commissions for inviting friends and family to join. I am praying that people will join for the money first and then as I take their membership fees and make the site better, they will then stick around and actually enjoy the site as a nice place to be.

        • I’m starting out my first network too, and it’s been a crazy roller coaster ride. I do have graphic design skills thankfully so I’m able to create logos and images but no coding. :-( trying to learn some html at least in bits.

          • Hi Karina!

            I wish you all the success in the world. As big and vast as this planet is with billions of people, we all should be able to find a few (hundred thousand) who love what we're offering.

            Back in the early days, I tried to be a "web designer" and actually create a site. Now, I look at my web site like I look at my car; I don't want to change my own oil anymore or get dirty doing tune ups. Same with my UNA, I just want to direct and administrate it.

            My hat is off to you for keeping the skill and desire alive, wanting to put your hands to your site and shape it your own way.

            • Communities are also fast-moving, and what I have found now in 8 years is very expensive.

              It's not just that, I'm building a community.

              You really have to be aware in advance that you put a lot of time and work into it yourself, be it as a hobby or professionally.

              You have to have a precise plan beforehand, what do I want to achieve with it and who do I want to address and what is needed.

              Basically, as an external team, you need a team with several functions



              SEO experts



              Even in the internal team you need moderators who support you, but are difficult to find these days, or who ask for money right away.

              Anything you can't do yourself you have to organize with people and u can really pay much for it.

              That's why we should exchange ideas here much better, no one can do everything, but there is always someone who is good at at least in one thing. And we build all our projects with the same structure. Sometimes I think there is far too little communication or group formation here ... we often see ourselves too much as competitors, which we don't have to or are. We could all quickly make ourselves successful together here ;)

              It is precisely these people that you have to address specifically, everyone else will not get you anywhere in the community.

              Since I am building an 18+ site, I have locked my site in such a way that users first have to do a verification in order to be able to see the content of the site. That's where my problem begins. A lot of people don't want to and don't do it. In my eyes, sites that claim to be 18+ without any kind of verification should be taken offline.

              In addition, there are communities like sand at the more. So you have to offer something to keep up with the competition or even differentiate yourself.

              That's why I say all the time - at the moment most of them want to stream, earn money themselves, exchange or sell pictures and videos.

              Let's be honest, how do you make money yourself, or is money made?!

              By exploiting the needs of others.

              There are 2 major thematic areas that will definitely make money with a network or community.

              1. Erotica

              2. Games

              3. Tube Sites / Streaming


              ... statically make the most sales on the Internet.

              And I've read studies that mobile apps will not be the future, but desktop apps are on the rise

              • what you can do, who e.g. says I can't afford SEO optimization for the whole network and all pages, he should create an extra page like a splash page under a completely different domain.

                On this page you pack content that you market in your community with a link to your page and optimize it with SEO.

                To apply, you only use this one page, which forwards you to your network ;)

                • The next idea that everyone who wants to implement here would be the following:

                  Everyone who wants to create their own page in their community on which LOGO partners are managed ... so we could easily advertise our pages to each other and exchange logos or banners.

                  Thus, backlinks are exchanged, which is very important for the search engines (Google, Yahoo, ..). But you have to know how they work. Search engines look at how many links lead to your site and how many external clicks your site has... the more the better and the higher you end up in the search engines.

                  • You have been so kind @Ronald Slaton ! Your words melted my heart! Thank you so much. There are days that I feel I'm so in over my head with this, but so passionate about this project I hope to not give up. This community has really helped me so much. I'm also very nervous about the day I actually put it out there- like something bad may happen and the whole thing will crash on me! Lol- yikes! Mixed emotions for sure. I wish you the very best and I'm glad you posted what you did- feels so good to know I'm not alone.

                    • The logo is the most important thing on your whole site, as it is recognizable. A logo should always be created professionally by a designer, and make sure he/she also creates a vector graphic for you.

                      Sure it might cost $70-100 but it's worth it

                      Think carefully about the motif, it should not be changed afterwards!

                      • Very well said. Being here and listening to other site owners is helpful, refreshing and definitely encouraging. You're correct; we are not in competition with each other. But I see how more people here think so, or at least act like it. It appears that people guard their site URLs like gold.

                        Expensive? Yeah, running a site even on the bare-bones side is financially taxing. And family may not see the vision you do and want you to "stop wasting money." But we all have reached the Point of No Return and blown right through it. If I give up now, all the time and money is wasted, and I will wonder for the rest of my life if it would have worked if I just gave it a little more time.

                        So, what do we do? We believe in ourselves, and we believe in our sites, and we keep pressing on.

                        • That, my friend, is a wonderful idea and technique.

                          • So, how do we set up to do a banner exchange? Is there a mod we can add to our sites and then just swap banners? I am ready. 😄

                            • You're welcome, Karina. I am sure that your site is both wonderful and exciting, but the day will come when you have to open the garage door and take it on the road. Fear is common to us all, but you have to press through and keep moving forward. We will learn from our problems and failures, so if something goes badly (I won't say crash), we apologize, fix it and keep going. And remember, you're not alone. Never.

                              • There's another price tag! It's good that I write all this off on my taxes. LOL

                                • You are an inspiration to us all! And the support this community gives is so invaluable. Many thanks for your words of encouragement and wisdom

                                  • You are welcome, Karina. When you are ready for the grand reveal, I would love to see what you've been working on!

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