Bah! Sometimes I get ahead of myself when I talk to people and start on a non-personal psychological/sociological explanation of a concept. Here in Cambodia, people generally dont like psychology, because it makes them feel naked and ashamed of themselves. When that happens it is called loosing face. Here people would rather hear that 2+2 is blue.
It makes it difficult to communicate, even if you speak their language to present such things as marketing or why this color is better to use than that color. they certainly dont want to hear about why people choose the things they choose. I have to figure out how to pass information in a way that to them is not offensive.
I had no problems in Africa and South America, but SE-Asia *phew*. What comforts me, is that the Buddha had the same problem and that he retired from teaching when he was in the beginning of his 50s and settled with a younger woman named Sujata. But this is bad to speak of, because the Buddha is used as a role model of purity, which is completely off what he was actually teaching.
But this is one thing I am thankful to UNA about. Language is clear and can not be misunderstood. I had 10 people to test UNA today and it went smooth. Very few questions were asked(which is good). They just used the system as if they had done it for years. They were very excited about it and asked when it was ready for launch.

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