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h.ttps://xxxx/gzip_loader.php gzip_ Loader. php generated the HTTP protocol: h.ttp://xxxx/template/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2、h.ttp://xxxx/template/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf、h.ttp://xxxx//live_updates.php It would be great if there were options(H.TTPS/H.TTP switching) in the background
  • 391
    • Hello @myboss !

      The URL of your UNA site can be corrected in the inc/header.inc.php file. I guess it is enough way for such a not-often operation.

      • thank you. Una cms, I just started using it,I suddenly felt that the question I raised was weak and explosive.image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1303&dpx=1&t=1684353544This picture represents me.Let me blow in the wind for a while.

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