Added a discussion

I am trying to clone the Organizations module/app to create a Businesses module/app.  The problem is that I can't get the new module's forms to work correctly.  I also can't get the content on my new page "Create a Profile - Business" to load at all!  I think part of the problem is contained in the SQL database for some of the forms like "a:2:{s:6:"module";s:16:"bx_businesses";s:6:"method";s:30:"get_options_redirect_after_add";}".  I think that the "16" is for bx_organizations.  Where does that "16" come from and what does it mean?  What number should I be using for my newly created module/app?  What are some other things I should be aware of when trying to duplicate a module to make a new one (with everything the same except the names and words?

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