Added a discussion

I offer premium member subscriptions and I’d like to offer a discount to members of partnered organizations.

What is the best way to go about this? I’ve considered the following:

  1. Discounted plan only visible to members of certain Group/Organization (unsure if this is doable in the Paid Levels app)
  2. Discount code manually sent to users who send proof of membership (not efficient/scalable)
  3. Partner Org’s Membership IDs used as the discount code for my site (most advanced and would require coding I can’t do yet)
  • 1060
    • Hello @Harpazo !

      It's impoosible to do smth similar with the groups. But it would be good to use the Organisations with the certain level. Because then you will have the filter to show the certain blocks / pages only for that level. With the manual check of sent IDs it is possible to do without code's modifications.

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