Currently, to add new currency you need to update database setting 'bx_payment_default_currency_code' in 'sys_options' table adding necessary currency code in the list which is stored in 'extra' field. Then you need to modify $_aCurrencies field in BxBaseModPaymentConfig class, which can be found in modules/base/payment/classes/BxBaseModPaymentConfig.php file. You need to add association between currency code and currency sign there .
pls this guide also applies to UNA version 13.0.0?or it is enough if I edit, for example, YEN(which I do not use) to Czech CZK and Currency sign to Kč?In settings-general i see Currency code CZK which I created according to the instructions But in Payments-Currency there is no CZK.I use PayPal payment provider, which supports the Czech currency.
Currently, to add new currency you need to update database setting 'bx_payment_default_currency_code' in 'sys_options' table adding necessary currency code in the list which is stored in 'extra' field. Then you need to modify $_aCurrencies field in BxBaseModPaymentConfig class, which can be found in modules/base/payment/classes/BxBaseModPaymentConfig.php file. You need to add association between currency code and currency sign there .
thank you so much
Hello Anton!
pls this guide also applies to UNA version 13.0.0?or it is enough if I edit, for example, YEN(which I do not use) to Czech CZK and Currency sign to Kč?In settings-general i see Currency code CZK which I created according to the instructions But in Payments-Currency there is no CZK.I use PayPal payment provider, which supports the Czech currency.
Thx Pavel
how to modify this for CZK?
$aCurrencies = BxDolForm::getDataItems($this->CNF['OBJECT_FORM_PRELISTS_CURRENCIES'], false, BX_DATA_VALUES_ADDITIONAL);
return '';
return $aCurrencies[$sCode];
Hello. Currently (in case of UNA 13) currencies are stored in the DB. So, you need to execute the following queries:
For Core:
INSERT INTO `sys_form_pre_values`(`Key`, `Value`, `Order`, `LKey`, `LKey2`, `Data`) VALUES ('Currency', 'CZK', 1, '__CZK', '', 'a:1:{s:4:"sign";s:6:"A$";}');
Don't forget to correctly change serialized currency code in the last Data field and add translation for __CZK via Studio -> Polyglot.
For Payments module
INSERT INTO `sys_form_pre_values`(`Key`, `Value`, `Order`, `LKey`, `LKey2`) VALUES ('bx_payment_currencies', 'CZK', 7, 'CZK', 'code_for_CZK_like_$_for_USD');
Hello Anton!
well that's a great guide 👍 .. thank you very much