Added a discussion

First of all I would like to acknoledge the fantastic work the team does here with this platform and what an amazing product we have to work with.
However sometimes things go wrong, whether it is a bug after an update, or something else we have done wrong, when a problem occurs as an administrator of a number of UNA sites it is frustrating how slow and hard it is to get a response and some help sometimes.
I don't expect it for free even, I am happy to pay for service received, but would like to know if the UNA Team would be able to provide a responsive support service?
There are apps like Teamviewer where you can log in to a system and see the settings, look at files, troubleshoot, edit files if necesary and get to the bottom of a problem within minutes instead of days or weeks. The technology is there to provide the level of support that people have become accustomed to with other software and as I said I am happy to subscribe to a support service or pay for ad-hoc support when needed.
How does the community feel about this? Could we have some sort of rapid response service with chat and/or support ticket system that has things like Teamviewer or equivalent?
Andrew Boon 

Alex T⚜️
Mark Purser
Anton L

  • 2337
    • Hello cr0atz !

      We have the tickets now in support@una.io mail box. It is checked every day and your request will not be missed. Your recent request with PayPal and Stripe is under checking - the developers are a little busy now, if you have doubts about the "freezed" response - you may write me directly via Messenger here.

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