Dear Developers,
I noticed that whenever I have switched my accounts to a Organization owner account and attempt to make a new comment on any of the posts, an error message of cannot perform action please report will appear. However, the comment will still be created regardless. This happens as well to account that has a new role that I have created myself. May I know how can i prevent the error message from coming out? Am I missing any permissions because I have checked with the permission module that this new role is able to post new comments as the comments post has been checked. May I know why is the error message appearing?
Hello zhalkiar !
You said you created "a new role" - do you mean "new permissions level"? Or you made changes not via Studio?
Hi! Yes I created a new level and it is having issues as well as the organisation owner account. I have also made the changes via Studio. Whenever I attempt to post a new comment there will be a error message of Cannot perform action please report but the comment will still be posted. Do you have any idea why this is occuring?
Go to studio > permissions > level you created and enable post comments
Hi, I have performed this step beforehand, however it is still displaying that error message of Cannot perform action please report.
When setting up new level, make sure you review all of your permissions and make sure they are set properly, also make sure your page blocks have a new "level" set to viewable if appropriate as well.
You have this permission enabled?
Seems we need to view on your levels - plz provide me your UNA studio access.
Yes it is enabled
How may I perform this set of steps to ensure that it is viewable. However, it is already enabled
My UNA is currently hosted only on my local machine
Did you create this post, groups, event, etc....cause when you create a group, event,, there is a visibility option to allow specific users, perhaps that post was set up for specific users and you don't have permission that group, events, etc....
Can you take a screenshot of where are you trying to make a post?