I have this problem --- how i can fixed ??? plies help me
Database error in BgInfo.co.uk
INSERT INTO `bx_timeline_handlers` SET `group`=?, `type`=?, `alert_unit`=?, `alert_action`=?, `content`=?, `privacy`=?
Mysql error:
Duplicate entry 'bx_ads_object-insert' for key 'handler'
The error was found in query function in the file /home/khalva/public_html/Bginfo.co.ukNEW/modules/base/notifications/classes/BxBaseModNotificationsDb.php at line 76.
Hello Stanislav Mitov !
Usually, this trouble appears when something was wrong with the installation / backup problems. So you need to backup your current UNA database and apply the following queries:
delete FROM `bx_timeline_handlers` WHERE `group` like 'bx_ads%';
delete FROM `sys_alerts` WHERE `unit` like 'bx_ads%';
delete FROM `bx_notifications_handlers` WHERE `alert_unit` like 'bx_ads%';
I have already deleted the entire site. It just didn't work out with a backup. However, the error came after an attempt to install Timeline. Everything else is going well and I continue to translate into Bulgarian :)