I'm using the classes module to create an online course. Beside the text i want to add video items to the course.
I'd like to embed them via a video tag or an iframe tag from my video cdn server. When i try to enter the code through the sourcecode option but it doesn't get saved.
Is there any (other) way to add my external hosted videos to the online course?
Thank you
best regards
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Hello @tmelchinger !
The access to the CDN videos may be have some troubles. So it's better to add links to your videos for example via the Update area of the course or in the Posts section there.
hi @LeonidS and thank you for your response.
your two options are not optimal, because the videos belong to single classes.
One workaround could be to create a "videoplayer page" where i can add my video codes and embed that videoplayerpage.... but if i do not want to create a single page for each video, i would need the page to handle with URL parameters. Is thete a unacms way to do this?
Thank you.
I found a workaround... If i add an iframe having the css class "ql-video", the iframe tag won't be removed.
That's not a really beautiful way but i will go for that now. If you remove that security flaw, please add the possibility to not only upload a video but also to embed a hosted one.
<iframe class="ql-video" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src="mvideoplayer.html"></iframe>
Well, the iframe solution isn't a good too. I guess you may add the RAW block for the course page, where you will place the JS code which dynamically calculates the proper video according to the class name or by another point.