Added a discussion

hi , l create module installed that ,but it not shown in launcher and not able uninstall these module



  • 1402
    • Hello @Hari !

      It looks like from the example of our default install.sql file:


      INSERT INTO `sys_std_pages`(`index`, `name`, `header`, `caption`, `icon`) VALUES

      (3, 'vnd_test', '_vnd_test', '_vnd_test', 'vnd_test@modules/vendor/test/|std-pi.png');

      SET @iPageId = LAST_INSERT_ID();

      SET @iParentPageId = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_std_pages` WHERE `name` = 'home');

      SET @iParentPageOrder = (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(`order`), 0) + 1 FROM `sys_std_pages_widgets` WHERE `page_id` = @iParentPageId);

      INSERT INTO `sys_std_widgets` (`page_id`, `module`, `url`, `click`, `icon`, `caption`, `cnt_notices`, `cnt_actions`) VALUES

      (@iPageId, 'vnd_test', '{url_studio}module.php?name=vnd_test', '', 'vnd_test@modules/vendor/test/|std-wi.png', '_vnd_test', '', 'a:4:{s:6:"module";s:6:"system";s:6:"method";s:11:"get_actions";s:6:"params";a:0:{}s:5:"class";s:18:"TemplStudioModules";}');

      INSERT INTO `sys_std_pages_widgets` (`page_id`, `widget_id`, `order`) VALUES

      (@iParentPageId, LAST_INSERT_ID(), @iParentPageOrder);

      you didn't run any of them. Or perhaps smth isn't right with the icon(s).

      • is this any tutorials to create module in detail mannner ?

        • It is recommended to thoroughly review the documentation available at https://una.io/wiki/Introduction, particularly the chapters in the Development area related to the app creation. Additionally, it may be beneficial to review other sections on the site, such as the Code Convention, from the beginning.

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