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how to call another module method in my custom module

  • 1173
    • Hello Kanna !

      The best way is in the using of service call like:

      BxDolService::call('bx_events', 'process_reminders');

      The service way allows calling the necessary module's code without attempts to require their files properly etc.

      • how to use getNUM() in my module instead of use getNUm() in BxDolSearch from BxDolSearch.

        • It's enough to have this method in your [Module]Search.php class. If you need to call in the new place then syntax will look like:

          bx_import($sClassSearchResult, $this->_aModule);

          $sClass = $this->_aModule['class_prefix'] . $sClassSearchResult;

          $o = new $sClass($sMode, $aParams);

          where $sClassSearchResult - the name of your module Search class.

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